This sound piece was created after a period of deliberately not making any physical "artwork". I set myself a research project to try to look at exactly what it was about sound art that drew me towards it. This research and looking at the work of Musique Concrete and Cabaret Voltaire brought me to begin experimenting with basic frequencies. I wanted to break sound down to it's most basic level, the frequencies and vibrations. During this time I was also looking at the potential for mind control and social manipulation using sound waves or forms of sound. in particular the frequent use of sonic booms by the Israeli airforce over the Gaza Strip. This technique, performed at low altitudes over populated areas as caused deaths, various forms of post traumatic stress disorders and massive damage to windows and buildings.
"Reverb" was a sort of sound experiment. I wanted to use the deep vibrations of bass tones to physically change the feeling of a room. The piece was played in a dark room with a hollow wooden bench in the centre. The bench was positioned in a way so that the frequencies from the speakers would travel through the room, through the bench and then into the listener.